
Islam’s vision for society is deeply rooted in principles of fairness and compassion, particularly when it comes to the distribution of wealth. The concentration of riches in the hands of a few is discouraged, as it can lead to societal imbalances and injustices. Instead, Islam advocates for a system where wealth is shared equitably, fostering social welfare and harmony. This article delves into Islamic principles governing wealth distribution, exploring both prohibited transactions that perpetuate inequality and the practices promoted to establish a just and caring society.

Introducing Dr. Muhammad Imran Usmani and Usmani&Co (

Dr. Muhammad Imran Usmani, a renowned Shariah advisor for the Islamic economic system, is a leading authority in the field of Islamic finance. With decades of experience, Dr. Usmani has played a pivotal role in shaping ethical financial practices worldwide. As the founder of Usmani&Co, a premier Shariah advisory firm (, he leads a team dedicated to promoting integrity and social responsibility in finance. Usmani&Co’s commitment to excellence and ethical principles has earned it recognition as a trusted partner for international and local banks and financial institutions seeking guidance on Shariah-compliant financial solutions.

Prohibited Transactions to Prevent Unfair Wealth Accumulation:

a. Interest (RIBA): Islam unequivocally prohibits usurious transactions, recognizing the harm they inflict on the economically vulnerable.

b. Speculative Ventures: Activities such as gambling and speculative trading are discouraged, as they often result in unjust enrichment at the expense of others.

c. Uncertainty in Transactions: Engaging in transactions with excessive uncertainty is discouraged, as they can lead to unfair outcomes and financial instability.

d. Deceptive Practices: Deception in business dealings to gain undue profits is strictly condemned, as it undermines trust and fairness in economic transactions.

e. Bribery: Offering or accepting bribes is forbidden, as it fosters corruption and compromises the integrity of transactions.

f. Hoarding: Accumulating wealth without contributing to the common good is discouraged, as Islam promotes generosity and sharing with those in need.

g. Voidable Conditions in Contracts: Inserting exploitative clauses in contracts is discouraged, as they can lead to unfair outcomes and exploitation.

h. Sale of Debt and Rights: Exploiting others financially through the sale of debts and rights is considered unethical and unjust.

i. Deception in Contracts: Concealing information or engaging in deceptive practices that lead to unfairness in contracts is condemned.

j. Possession of Unjustly Acquired Wealth: Taking or possessing others’ property or earnings unjustly is against Islamic principles, which emphasize honesty and ethical conduct.

Islamic Practices to Promote Fair Wealth Distribution:

a. Zakat: Obligatory charity, or Zakat, is one of the five pillars of Islam, aimed at redistributing wealth to those in need.

b. Sadaqah (Charity): Beyond Zakat, Islam encourages voluntary acts of charity to support the disadvantaged and vulnerable members of society.

c. Compassion Towards the Needy: Islam emphasizes showing compassion and mercy towards the less fortunate, reinforcing the sense of community and social responsibility.

d. Waqf (Charitable Endowment): Waqf involves donating property or assets to support social and humanitarian causes, providing lasting benefits to society.

e. Engagement in Welfare Work: Actively participating in welfare initiatives to uplift the underprivileged is highly encouraged in Islam.

f. Empowerment Through Donation: Giving donations and supporting initiatives that enable others to work and earn a livelihood empowers the less fortunate and promotes economic independence.

g. Emphasis on Education: Islam places great value on education, as it equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to improve their socioeconomic status and contribute positively to society.

h. Conducting Ethical Business: Islam promotes conducting business with integrity, honesty, and ethical values, fostering a just and fair economic environment.


Islam’s principles on wealth distribution advocate for a society where wealth is distributed fairly, ensuring that no individual or group monopolizes resources at the expense of others. By adhering to these principles and avoiding prohibited transactions, Muslims and societies at large can address poverty, inequality, and various social injustices, working towards a more equitable and harmonious world.


  • Quranic Verses on Charity and Wealth Distribution
  • Hadiths on Prohibited Transactions and Ethical Conduct
  • Dr. Monzer Kahf, “Economic Concepts of Ibn Taimiyah,” Islamic Development Bank, 1999.
  • Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, “The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam,” American Trust Publications, 1999.
  • Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, “Al-Wabil al-Sayyib,” Islamic Books Online.

Islam, wealth distribution, social justice, poverty alleviation, ethical transactions, Zakat, charity, Waqf, empowerment, education, ethical business, economic equality, Islamic principles.


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